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Sussex St Haymarket Awning and Box gutter replacement

Type of Project : Commercial – Shop Awning replacement – Remedial repairs.

As a result of carrying out a condition assessment report for the owner of these shops, we found numerous issues. SRAP were engaged for rectification work on this awning. The recommendation was to remove and replace the old box gutter and roofing sheets

Therefore SRAP had to remove and dispose of existing damaged (and beyond repair) Box gutter (25m length). Remove the existing damaged roofing sheets to the awnings of the shops in Sussex St Haymarket. SRAP had to reframe and design to allow for fall of new box gutter to ensure no water build up in future. And installation of a larger box gutter system to existing downpipes was required.

We installed new Colorbond roofing sheets to existing awning. In addition to this, we replaced all flashing, and sealed all areas to ensure roof is water tight.

One challenge we had was that all Air conditioner units were to be disconnected, relocated onto the wall, with redundant units removed from awning, and reconnection carried out at end of box gutter and roof installation. This was all done and completed without a hitch, and tennants’ inconvenience was minimised to 2 days. This was a great result all round, and the client and tennants were happy with the way the work was carried out – professionally, quickly and to a high quality.

    Like what you see? Contact us for an obligation-free discussion and see what we can do for your building.